We’re your local FMG team for the Mid-Canterbury region. Being one of the country’s richest agricultural & pastoral regions we are committed to being part of the rural community.
We are an experienced passionate team of insurance professionals that are proud to work alongside our clients to understand risk to operations, assets, and life & health and how insurance can play an integral part in planning for those unexpected events that life can throw up.
Our team know and understand farming, business, and the local area. If you are wanting General, Rural, Business/Commercial and Life & Health insurance professional risk advice then our team of insurance specialists are keen to help.
Odette Storer | Area Manager – Sales, Advice & Service

It is so easy to make contact with our FMG rep when I need a question answered. We don’t have to wait days for a reply. That is called service to a customer
Jeff Marshall Motorcycles, AshburtonComing a cropper
Rachel and Brian Leadley have spent 30 years growing in the Canterbury region and the strength of the Leadley’s operation is Brian’s ability to get on and get things done. But in the process of considering Life & Health cover they questioned ‘What would happen if Brian couldn’t operate a tool or work full time?’ and more than a decade later when Brian injured his hand, they were able to focus on recovery and get in people to get the job done, thanks to FMG's Life & Health cover.
Learn more how Life & Health cover worked for the Leadleys
“Brian’s an even bigger asset, there’s no way we wouldn’t insure him.”
The Mid-Canterbury Team
This is your local FMG team – they're never too far away. And our phones are answered in Palmerston North.
Nicholas Schrader
Rural Manager
Jane Harrison
Rural Manager
Gemma Oliver
Rural Manager
Malisa Millar
Rural Manager
Georgia Marshall
Rural Manager
Simon Kenny
Corporate Account Manager
Sonja Burton
Corporate Account Manager
Donna Murray
Commercial Manager
Nicola-Jane Paddon
Life & Health Adviser (Timaru / Ashburton)