This is a diverse region with a proud history. Here at FMG we are extremely honoured to have played our part for more than 117 years.  During our time we have earned a reputation for building strong relationships and partnerships, enabling us to manage risk together with our members and clients so we can be there when you need us.

As a 100% NZ member owned mutual it means that your interests come first.  We remain focused on finding ways to help make your life easier, with innovations and the work we do with our partners.

So, if you’re after great advice and local knowledge on how best to manage either general or life insurance risk - we’re here to help.

Hayden Dunne | Area Manager - Sales, Advice & Service

Hayden Dunne

"Our business is about people and it's about relationships, which is why we deal with FMG."
Anton Evans - Kaikōura Hunting & Fishing

The Team

This is your local FMG team – they're never too far away. And our phones are answered in Palmerston North.

  • James Lissington

    James Lissington

    Rural Manager (West Coast)

  • Caroline Houghton

    Caroline Houghton

    Rural Manager (Marlborough/Kaikoura)

  • Fiona Mackay

    Fiona Mackay

    Rural Manager (Nelson/Tasman/Golden Bay)

  • Grant Ruthven

    Grant Ruthven

    Rural Manager (Tasman)

  • Lizzy Balls

    Lizzy Balls

    Commercial Manager (Tasman)

  • Anthony Bowron

    Anthony Bowron

    Commercial Manager (Marlborough)

  • Matt Allsopp

    Matt Allsopp

    Commercial Manager (Tasman)

  • Amanda Lockwood

    Amanda Lockwood

    Life & Health Adviser (Tasman/Marlborough)

  • Andrew Welsford

    Andrew W

    Rural Manager (West Coast)