Specialist rural insurer FMG has already begun processing claims from the recent Canterbury floods and is on farm in the region, where it’s safe to do so, meeting clients and assessing damage.

Many farmers are turning their heads to checking their property as we move from response to recovery. Our advice to all clients who need to lodge a claim include:

  • Safety first. Ensure it’s safe for you, your family and employees to assess damage
  • Take as many photos as you can of the damage. This will help us to work through your claim
  • Lodge your claim as early as you can. Even if you don’t have all the information yet. Lodging it early lets us know you’ve been impacted, and we can begin processing your claim
  • Remove items that are unsafe or unsanitary, things like sodden carpets and food that’s perished—take photos of these items first
  • Please call your insurer before carrying out non-essential repairs. If you need to repair buildings to make them safe—do this, and please take photos first.

“FMG is unique in that we have an in-house assessing team. This means we’re able to quickly move our assessors to where they’re needed most and have already moved some from other parts of the country to help the Canterbury-based team.” says Nathan Barrett, FMG’s Chief Product and Pricing, Underwriting and Claims officer.

“Accessibility remains a challenge in parts of the region so where we can, we’re beginning to meet with clients who need an assessor on farm and at their businesses.

“This effort is backed by our Kiwi-based claims team in Palmerston North, who are also supporting clients any way we can.

“While we’ve had 300 claims lodged so far, our experience from other floods and storms is that we won’t get a full picture of the insurance impact for several weeks at least, as it takes time for people to assess damage.

“Most claims at this stage are for damage to buildings and vehicles, and farm fencing as well.

“We’re not seeing much in the way of damage to houses just yet, but if any clients are out of their home, they should call us to see if we can offer temporary accommodation.

“Overall, our advice to anyone who needs insurance support is to call their insurer as early as they can. They’re your adviser and will be able to help with your specific circumstances”, Mr. Barrett said.



Claire Broun, Communications Specialist, FMG