On 16 March 2021 FMG recognises its 116th anniversary as a Mutual.

In 1905 the core purpose of FMG was to provide ‘a better deal for rural New Zealand’ relative to what else was on offer in the way of insurance and advice for farmers and growers.  The same is true of our focus on the quality of the advice and insurance we offer today, albeit the Mutual’s reach now extends to include thousands of businesses and individuals who support and contribute to New Zealand’s rural sector as well.

An important growth milestone for FMG - including our dedicated team - was achieved at the end of February when the number of clients who have put their trust and confidence in the Mutual exceeded 100,000 for the first time. This is double the number of clients insured by FMG 10 years ago.

With FMG in good heart and growing, I have decided to step down as Chief Executive after this year’s Annual General Meeting in August.  After almost 13 years I think the time is right for a change both from FMG’s point of view and equally my own. It’s been a career highlight to lead FMG for over a decade as part of the Executive Leadership Team and to work closely with the Board.  The Board has begun a process to identify and select a new Chief Executive over the next few months. Meanwhile, we will ensure it is business as usual in terms of the advice, service and support we pride ourselves on providing you.

I hope 2021 has started well for you and your businesses and families, all Covid-impacts aside.

Kind regards
