Contracts signed? Might be time to think about Life & Health.
As a farm owner, a contract milker or a sharemilker, it’s important to ask yourself a few questions about how you’d manage things if you’re out of action for any length of time, due to an injury, serious illness, or what would happen to your business or your family if you died.
At FMG, we’re here to help answer some of the big questions so you know you’re covered if the unexpected happens.
Talk to us about
If you were to die, your business responsibilities and debt still need to be managed. Life insurance can help your loved one manage things if you're gone, or if you're diagnosed with a terminal illness and given 12 months or less to live.
Provides an income if a key person on the farm cannot work due to an injury or illness. This income can be used to replace that person which allows the farm to keep operating.
Make sure all parties have the right cover
When signing new milking agreements it's good to ask questions about whether all parties have the right insurance in place so there's no gaps in cover that means you have to step in.
For farm owners, it's good peace of mind to make sure your contract and sharemilkers can cover replacement labour, so you don't have to get back out on farm to fill in if someone is injured, ill or dies.
Get a personalised risk plan
FMG employs our own team of Life & Health advisers who are not paid commissions and work directly for FMG to recommend Life & Health insurance for our clients.
We'll ask you some of the big questions to get a picture of your current future goals and priorities and then put a risk plan together so you can see the range of Life & Health options available to suit you.
*Life & Health risk plans are underwritten and administered by Fidelity Life, AIA, AMP, and/or Southern Cross and are subject to their underwriting terms and conditions.
Spot Check Roadie
New Zealand has the highest rates of melanoma in the world. And for those of us who work outdoors, the risks are even greater. That’s why we partnered with Melanoma New Zealand to go on a Spot Check Roadie across the country.