Get a permit
Burn-offs are a legitimate land management tool but it’s important to plan them in advance and consider upcoming weather conditions, fuel conditions and any regulatory requirements you need to meet ahead of time. Head to at to request a fire permit. It’s also good to let your neighbours know so they can move livestock away from smoke drift and be aware of any risks to their property.

Work smart on high-risk days
An extra level of care needs to be taken when using machinery like welders or chainsaws in hot dry conditions, particularly over the summer period. Where possible, avoid placing equipment or parking vehicles on dry grass and install fire extinguishers on all machinery. You should also make sure machinery is serviced annually.

Create a fire escape plan
Even if you are cautious, it doesn’t completely remove the risk of fire. We recommend having an escape plan and practising it regularly with your family and your staff. Make sure your RAPID number is displayed at the end of your drive and easy to see from the road. You should also make sure you have enough water supplies available with clear signage.