Cover for vet treatments as a result of an accidental, external and visible injury, or colic.
Your horse is covered if it dies or needs to be euthanised due to accidental, external and visible injury or colic.
Cover for death during, or as a result of a surgical operation conducted by a vet under local or general anaesthetic.
FMG’s Horse Primary policy covers a range of horses, including leisure, on farm, and equestrian horses, from the age of 1 to 16 years old.
This cover insures your horse for death in New Zealand only, in the event of accidental, external and visible injury, or colic.
We also cover you in case of theft, as well as death or humane destruction following the theft of your horse. This applies if your horse is taken and castrated or spayed maliciously.
If you’re insured for a 12-month period or longer, we’ll also grant a 90-day cover extension to cover costs associated with defined illness or injury to your horse, if you’ve made us aware of the issue and associated claims before the period of insurance expires.
What we pay
We'll pay up to the agreed value or fair market value shown on your certificate plus GST, for any one event.
Agreed value
You can choose to discuss an agreed value of your horse with FMG, which may be based on an independent written valuation, the purchase price, the performance of the horse, and/or a number of other factors.
Fair market value
This is what a reasonable buyer would have been willing to pay for your horse immediately before the loss and considers factors including competition history and the breed of the horse.
To understand which policy wording applies to you, please check your Policy Certificate, or head online to FMG Connect to view all your policy details, including the dates of your policy period. If you're unsure, give us a call.
For more information on our recent policy changes click here.
This is a summary view of our policy and is subject to our specific product documentation and underwriting criteria. For full details please download the policy wording or get a free copy by calling us on 0800 366 466.
Horse Primary Plus Policy Wording Effective for new policies, items or renewals from: