Ag contractor advice
There’s a lot to think about as an agricultural contractor - health and safety, protecting your business operations and reputation, as well as looking after the land you’re on. We’ve got a bit of advice to avoid accidents on the job.

The last thing you want when working on site is to have to stop the job because of an accident, theft, or injury. FMG supports tradies right around New Zealand and have looked what they’re claiming on their insurance, to help you reduce risks on the job.

Cyber security
With an increase in invoice fraud, cyber crime and penalties for online privacy breaches, FMG has put together some advice to stay on top of doing business and farming online.

Viticulture and wineries
Viticulture and wineries are an important part of the New Zealand rural business landscape and have a lot of specific, high risk aspects. But with a bit of risk comes reward so at FMG, we’ve got you covered with the right advice to avoid major business interruption and losses.

Mechanics and engineers
Working with vehicles, power tools and machinery has some serious risks of accident, injury, and damage to property. At FMG, we think it’s great to have the right cover, but it’s even better to learn how to work safer and smarter.

Hot works
Hot work including flame or disc cutting, grinding or welding, soldering, using bitumen boilers, blow lamps, brazing, burning or open-flame work, or using hot air guns, often comes with a heightened fire risk.

Electrical fires
The majority of significant farm and commercial building fire claims over the past 5 years were a result of an electrical fault. But there are ways to protect your buildings and help prevent loss and interruption to your business.