We cover up to $10,000 for loss from theft provided it doesn’t involve you, your staff or any fraudulent activity.
Up to $20,000 for any one event, if the loss happens during transit anywhere in New Zealand.
Your money is covered for up to $5,000 at your premises or in transit (must be locked up outside of business hours), and up to $1,000 at your house.
Cover of up to $15,000 for loss to motors, pumps, electrical and mechanical equipment.
FMG’s Material Damage policy covers your commercial property, including buildings, contents, stock, portable plant and equipment, growing structures and growing plants.
This policy covers the cost of replacing key equipment, stock, contents, and buildings that are essential to your operations. It also provides cover for the cost of temporary removal, loan equipment and accommodation to help you manage the wait time between the repair or replacement of items.
Material Damage cover also extends to portable plant and equipment, such as tools of the trade, portable electronic equipment like cameras and cellphones, and other items which are typically stored off your business premises. This includes tools you keep in vehicles.
Any additional buildings, machinery or plant you buy or build, as well as any alterations to existing assets, during your period of insurance are also automatically covered for up to 30 days, as long as you notify FMG of those additions within that time period and pay any additional premium if required.
Optional benefits
You can purchase optional benefits relating specifically to the type of commercial operation you run, including specific benefits relating to industries like dairy farming and wine making.
Give our team a call to discuss the cover that bests suits your business needs.
Natural hazard (Natural disaster)
FMG recommends you consider this cover for your commercial property and indoor plants for accidental loss due to a natural hazard (natural disaster).
Seasonal Stock
Provides an automatic increase in your stock by 25% for the four-month period shown on your Policy certificate.
To understand which policy wording applies to you, please check your Certificate of Cover, or head online to FMG Connect to view all your policy details, including the dates of your policy period. If you're unsure, give us a call.
For more information on our recent policy changes click here.
This is a summary view of our policy and is subject to our specific product documentation and underwriting criteria. For full details please download the policy wording or get a free copy by calling us on 0800 366 466.
Material Damage Policy Wording Effective for new policies, items or renewals from: