
Tick Icon Principal's supplied materials

Covers materials supplied free of charge by the property owner to the contractor, which will be used for the works.

Tick Icon Increased costs during construction

An allowance in case of increases in the contract price, labour and material costs during construction.

Tick Icon Professional fees

Cover for services like architects and surveyors, needed to get back to work after a loss.

Tick Icon Escalation during reconstruction

Cover for an increase in reconstruction costs after a loss to allow the works to be completed in a reasonable time.

FMG’s Contract Works policy insures work being done by a contractor when building an extension, new building, or renovating your home.

This includes cover for the accidental loss, damage, or destruction of materials on the site, as well as materials supplied free of charge by the property owner to the contractor, to be used for the works.

FMG will cover the demolition and removal of damaged materials and debris on site after a loss, including shoring up or supporting undamaged areas on site to enable the works to be restored or replaced.

If there is an increase in reconstruction costs after a loss, this policy provides cover for increased costs to allow the works to be completed in a reasonable time.

This is a specialist FMG product – give our team a call to find out if it's suitable for your needs.

Optional benefits

You can purchase optional benefits for even more comprehensive cover

Natural hazard (Natural disaster) during the construction period (FMG recommended) 
Cover in the event of loss caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, hydrothermal activity, or landslide, provided that the loss occurs during the construction period and on the contract site.

To understand which policy wording applies to you, please check your Certificate of Cover, or head online to FMG Connect to view all your policy details, including the dates of your policy period. If you're unsure, give us a call.

For more information on our recent policy changes click here.

This is a summary view of our policy and is subject to our specific product documentation and underwriting criteria. For full details please download the policy wording or get a free copy by calling us on 0800 366 466.

Contract Works Policy Wording Effective for new policies, items or renewals from:

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