Up to $10,000 for labour and hire charges for installing and removing any loan equipment needed.
Up to $5,000 for hidden damage caused over time by a leaking internal waste or water pipe.
Up to $5,000 for any one event, for protecting your farm buildings from fire damage.
FMG’s Farm Buildings policy covers your farm buildings, including implement or tool sheds, pump sheds and fixed machinery.
Things like culverts and underpasses, farm fencing and underground pipes, wells and other items which aren’t part of a farm building are not automatically covered under this policy but can be added. We can talk you through all the items you may need to include.
This policy covers additional farm buildings you buy or build, alterations or improvements to existing farm buildings once completed. You will need to let us know within 30 days of purchase or completion and pay any extra premium. The cover is for present day value of up to $50,000.
Optional benefits
You can purchase optional benefits for even more comprehensive cover
Natural hazard (Natural disaster)
FMG recommends you consider this cover for damage to farm structures, caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, hydrothermal activity or landslide.
To understand which policy wording applies to you, please check your Certificate of Cover, or head online to FMG Connect to view all your policy details, including the dates of your policy period. If you're unsure, give us a call.
For more information on our recent policy changes click here.
This is a summary view of our policy and is subject to our specific product documentation and underwriting criteria. For full details please download the policy wording or get a free copy by calling us on 0800 366 466.
Farm Buildings Policy Wording Effective for new policies, items or renewals from: