Benefits (for Superior cover only)

Tick Icon No excess for glass claims

We don’t apply an excess to repair or replace damaged windscreens and other vehicle glass.

Tick Icon Accidental breakdown

Cover for breakdown or failure to your machinery that is permanently attached to your vehicles.

Tick Icon Farm vehicle or irrigator tyres

Cover for unexpected damage to your specified vehicle’s tyres, excluding vehicles registered for road use.

Tick Icon Liability

Covers the legal liability of you and approved drivers for damage caused to others’ property or person.

FMG’s Superior Farm Vehicles policy is our top level of cover for vehicles used mainly for farming, like tractors, front end loaders, and mowers, including attachable implements. You can also choose to cover irrigators under this policy.

This policy includes cover for the vehicle itself, its accessories, and spare parts, as well as your legal liability as the owner and driver of any specified vehicle shown on your certificate of insurance.

If you choose to add or replace a vehicle or irrigator on this policy, that vehicle is automatically covered for up to 30 days after purchase while you update your details with us. Once you have notified us of the new or replacement vehicle, you will also need to pay any extra premium required.

Third Party Only, Third Party Fire and Theft and Fire and Theft covers are also available under this policy. FMG recommends you consider Superior cover for your vehicles, to ensure they have the cover they need if an unforeseen event happens.

Optional benefits

You can purchase optional benefits for even more comprehensive cover

Natural hazard (Natural disaster) 
FMG recommends you consider this cover for damage caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, hydrothermal activity or landslide.

Hire charges (Superior Farm Vehicle Policy only)
Cover for up to $20,000 if you must hire a replacement vehicle or contractor to carry out your farming operations while your specified farm vehicle is getting repaired or replaced following a loss.

To understand which policy wording applies to you, please check your Certificate of Cover, or head online to FMG Connect to view all your policy details, including the dates of your policy period. If you're unsure, give us a call.

For more information on our recent policy changes click here.

This is a summary view of our policy and is subject to our specific product documentation and underwriting  criteria. For full details please download the policy wording or get a free copy by calling us on 0800 366 466.

Superior Farm Vehicles Policy Wording Effective for new policies, items or renewals from:

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